5 Easy Social Media Marketing Tips

Source: Blue Fountain Media


How should you use Social Media Marketing for your advantage?

Social media marketing plays an important part in the success of any company’s marketing strategy. One of the many reasons why is that it allows for a broader or global reach of the audience and, at the same time, it is not financially heavy on the company.

The digital landscape has become a part of society. As there are a limited number of social media users, therefore there are a limited number of potential customers. And with the right strategy and content, social media can be a place where your business can flourish.

Moreover, here are some of the tips that will help you build your social media presence:

Know your audience

Source: We Are Impression

Every social media platform has their own strengths and a specific audience they cater to. TikTok’s users are mostly females and generation Z, and its content is mainly in the form of short videos.

Meanwhile, Facebook and its users mostly range from boomers to generation X, and its content ranges from photos, videos, and live videos.

To figure out which social media platform will help you reach the most people, you need to know what you want to share and who you want to reach.

Make use of social media tools

Source: Zapier

There are several social media tools that can help in the management and publication of your social media as well as analyzing your competition.

Do not be afraid to use them because they are a clear advantage and convenient for those who have little to no experience in social media management. Some of the best social media tools for businesses are Google Alerts, Hootsuite, and TweetDeck.

Build a Community

Source: Augeo Marketing

The purpose of social media platforms is not only to promote your company’s products but to build a community. You must be able to reach out and engage with your audience.

Create and curate engaging content and open a space for audiences to comment and suggest, and in turn, listen and respond accordingly. In this way, the audience will feel valued and you will start to build trust with them.

Furthermore, make use of social media monitoring tools to be able to understand and connect better with your target audience.


Source: Small Business Trends

An area that you should consider is paid social media advertising. It is an excellent way to reach a wider audience than those who are already following you.

Consequently, you can also create a targeted audience for your ads based on the demographics you cater to. It is also best to use social media advertising tools to help optimize your ads.

Assess, Analyze, and Act

Source: IDSurvey

After you have set up your social media account, you must determine what your goals are for your social media marketing.

When you have set your goals, you will be able to easily determine the social media metrics you need to measure and analyze. Some of these social metrics include:

  • Audience Growth Rate
  • Social Media Impressions
  • Social Media Conversion Rate
  • Post Engagement Rate

For instance, if your goal is to increase your number of followers what you need to measure is your Audience Growth Rate. Or if you want to determine the number of times your company is being tagged or mentioned, you need to measure your Social Share of Voice.

After you have determined what you need to assess, you can easily analyze and cross-analyze it with your competitors then act and adjust your social media marketing strategy accordingly.

In other words, make use of social media analytics tools to better gather the data you need!

Need a Social Media Marketing Partner?

Verafede is one of the most well-sought integrated marketing communications agencies in the Philippines!

We have been in business for more than eight years, and we have successfully helped small and big companies with their marketing campaigns!

If you need a marketing team to help you get it right, especially in conceptualizing and implementing great ideas, consider reaching out to a tried-and-tested marketing company.

Contact us, and let’s turn ideas into a great experience!

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Ivan Percival E. Veniegas

Ivan Percival E. Veniegas

Ivan Percival E. Veniegas is a graduating student of Bachelor of Arts in Communication Major in Broadcast Communication at University of the Philippines - Baguio. He is an intern at Verafede Inc. under the marketing department and his works interest advertising teams and marketing research teams through his hardwork and plethora of ideas. Percy loves producing new ideas and innovating for advertising and marketing as a whole.




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