[OPINION] Shooting my shot: Gauging my interpersonal skills in the marketing field

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Most people would initially assume that a communications degree will only lead to careers in the media industry. But get this: a Communications degree is abundant with opportunities—one of which is a marketing career!

Image source: Toppr

A degree in communications, however, opens up a wide range of career options. It’s not just preparing you for a broadcasting or journalism career. It’s like a buffet that allows you to venture into marketing and advertising, development communication, theater arts, organizational communication, public relations, digital publishing, multimedia storytelling, and so much more!

Choosing marketing with my communications degree

Speaking has always been my strength—perhaps it’s the primary reason why I pursued a Communications degree. Well, of course, there were whims when I was a teen. The truth is, I wanted to be a multi-awarded broadcaster of my generation. Promising, right?

Image source: Unsplash

Communication—at large—is a passion of mine. I envisioned myself communicating with other people throughout my career, and that is to learn through the lenses of other people’s stories. But as I was falling in love with my communications degree, I was gradually oriented to the huge arena of my soon-to-be professional field.

There was a wide array of fields I had to deal with. As I’ve said, it’s technically a communication career buffet where I can speak, speak, and speak!

So what’s in it for me?

Crossing bridges: Why a communications degree is fit for a marketing career

You may be wondering what benefits one awaits when they walk towards the marketing path. The secret is, they’re enormous! To help you better understand why I chose a marketing career—and why you should too— here are some fun benefits you’d want to know:

1. Broad social media understanding

Social media understanding is a requirement nowadays. We do not just use it to send messages, but we now use it as a primary tool for connecting with others, growing a business, and even working.

Image source: Unsplash

There is no better way to master social media than to immerse yourself in it. Talk about immersing? Marketing will not fail you!

You get to be on-the-ground with various social media trends. Plus, don’t forget that we are now, more or less, living in a social media-dependent world.

I remember telling myself that I would not be a fan of social media. However, seeing how social media transformed into an effective tool for communication, I learned to enjoy seeing how it draws people—and marketing showed it to me in a wider perspective

2. #DigitalFutureReady

Every career is linked to technology—we can’t deny that. That’s why joining the marketing field—which happens to be technologically oriented—became a considerable advantage to harness my “digital future-ready self.”

Image source: Unsplash

Now that communication is ever-changing, marketing helped me be flexible in the different ways of connecting with people. I do not just know how to communicate, but now, I get to learn every day how to make an impact through the marvelous mixture of marketing and communication. In fact, focusing on marketing elevated my understanding of digital publishing, which allowed me to conquer the challenge of creating compelling digital content.

3. Marketing communicates value

Marketing made it easy for me to communicate value with other people. It’s one thing that “communication” alone cannot do if you don’t have a robust platform. In order for me to deliver my vision, ideals, and stories, I need to work on a concrete project.

Let’s talk about the marketing clients. Even before joining Verafede Inc, I was already working as a freelance brand strategist. As I was collaborating with the brand owners, I also got to send my own vision and values. Amazing, right? It is undoubtedly one thing that will make you fall in love with marketing!

4. A hint of cultural communication

I speak to different people every day. They vary in race, tradition, dialect, cultural upbringing, beliefs, and characters. It blessed me with the opportunity to grow and learn from other people’s perspectives.

I was wrong thinking that my communications degree would only matter if I became a broadcaster. But through marketing, I get to hold tangible manifestations of my efforts, ideas, and experiences.

5. Putting your ideas to life

When you market, you create your own museum of brands and stories. It’s your innovation, ideas, efforts, and faith. What reason could probably hinder me from joining the marketing field? Just think how fulfilling marketing is—you get to witness how other people’s dreams come true through your help.

How it changed me…

Marketing is a busy industry. And its nature delivers opportunities for people like me to bring change to other people’s lives in a creative way. So if you are a communication major, don’t ever think that it is not related to marketing. Why? Read the first sentence at the beginning of this piece again.

For excellent marketing partnerships, drop Verafede, Inc. a message on our social media pages. Your business will surely need us!

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Le-Mairre Manalaysay

Le-Mairre Manalaysay

Le-Mairre is a fourth-year communication arts student who is practicing her expertise in the fields of content creation, public relations, organizational communication, marketing, and comm-planning. During her free time, she reads books and cooks various home dishes. She's always a believer that life is a long process of learning!


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